Tuesday, September 9, 2008

what do you do when...

What do you do when it's late at night and you are trying to go to sleep and you just can't quit thinking and the dog is lying on your knees and the baby's sticky body is draped across your thighs and your husband is running his 3 minute comedy routine in his sleep except that he's not quiet, he's actually quite loud and annoying and the cat is softening the pillow (that you are trying to sleep on, by the way), she's pushing and poking the pillow for the 100th time tonight...?
Well, I'll tell you what you do.
You veryveryveryvery slowly slide your body out the side of the now sweaty, fur covered sheet and drop to all fours in your husbands old blue t-shirt and your not-so-sexy cotton undies and you gracefully crawl-slither to the hallway, doing everything in your power to insure that all of the occupants in the overcrowded bed remain relatively undisturbed and you tip toe down the stairs in the dark and stumble to the computer and take pictures of yourself using all of the strange effects settings on the 'photo booth' option of this imac so you have something to post on your blog.
I think this black and white one is particularly lovely, thank you.
Now, to make a cup of tea and try this sleeping thing all over again.


. . . said...

hiya beauty. tea sounds good. or a glass of wine. hope you enjoy your quiet house. well, except for the hubby making noise. xoxo

Patti said...

why the hell don't youlive next door to me? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??????

Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought I was the only one who does that...

kalurah said...

I think it's not only a beautiful picture. But YOU are quite beautiful, as well, my dear!
Love and kisses....